MS2 (Mountainous Stacking 2)
Fig: MS2 bag structure. Includes DPC Recovery, which involves placing the extra piece in a specific spot compatible with a DPC setup.
MS2 setups marked with ⭐ have 100% combined build cover and 100% recovery rate into 100% DPC setups.
You must learn these setups in order to always be able to loop using MS2.
MS2 Bag 1
Residue | Hold | Build% | Setup |
⭐ MS2
L | 100.00% |
⭐ MS2
MS2 (Hold L): 100.00% with mirror (66.67% without mirror).
MS2 Bag 2 (Hold L)
+ L
Residue | Build% | Cum. Cov% |
PC% | Rec% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | Bad% | Setups | Recovery | |
66.67% | 66.67% | 98.57% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 71.19% | 72.30% | 0.00% | 27.70% |
⭐ S<O Stray Cannon
S Recovery DPC (vert)
50.00% | 91.67% | 99.29% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 35.00% | 62.62% | 0.00% | 37.38% |
⭐ O<IS Gamu Default
O Recovery DPC (wall)
S Recovery DPC (hori)
66.67% | 100.00% | 96.90% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 62.66% | 62.66% | 0.00% | 37.34% |
⭐ I<S Pancake
S Recovery DPC (vert)
T Recovery DPC (wall)
Riif v3 Stacking
52.90% | - | 98.57% | 100.00% | 16.94% | 36.98% | 73.69% | 24.44% | 20.44% |
O<S,L<I/J Riif v3
O<S,L<J Riif v3
??? |
Margarine Stacking
50.00% | - | 94.92% | ??? | 0.00% | 41.63% | 67.74% | 0.00% | 32.26% |
O<IS Margarine
O<IS,L<J Margarine
??? |
50.00% | - | 91.67% | 100.00% | 19.88% | 39.05% | 69.17% | 19.88% | 30.83% |
⭐ S<JO Stray Cat
O Recovery DPC (gap1)
S Recovery DPC (col3)
21.90% | - | 100.00% | - | - | 0.00% | 0.00% | 57.14% | 42.86% |
- | |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Tub + Vert I 2nd
Tub + Vert I 2nd
11.43% | - | 100.00% | - | - | 0.00% | 0.00% | 43.57% | 56.43% |
- | ||
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Tub + Hori I 2nd
A simple way to tell which setup is buildable on Bag 2 is based on IOS with safe L placements as follows.
S first - Stray Cannon safe L placement:
Note that this also covers S<O.
Always prefer Stray Cannon over Gamushiro because it has higher scoring on average and simplers solves.
O first - Gamushiro Default safe L placement:
I first - Pancake Stacking safe L placement:
Stray Cannon: Best way to place S when J comes early involves two soft drops:
Fig: MS2 Bag 2 Stray Cannon Finesse. Grey ▄█▄ shows piece orientation for clarity.
Pancake: L can be spun in using 180 after S has been placed:
Fig: Pancake L 180.
Some rare queues require an annoying gravity wait:
Fig: MS2 Pancake gravity wait.
This can sometimes be avoided if L<S by placing the first L in the other location first:
Gamushiro PC: If you can place 4p/5p like this (57.14% chance),
there's another solve leading into Tub 2nd with alternate T placement, bringing Gamushiro PC% up to 25.95% when the 4p/5p is buildable:
Furthermore, if you can place 4p/5p like this (61.90% chance),
there are two additional solves leading into Tub 2nd with alternate Z placements, bringing Gamushiro PC% up to 33.57% when the 4p/5p is buildable:
Many other PC solves from various 4p/5p exist. It is recommended not to sacrifice speed for PC.
Note that there's another solve possible from 6p, but it is not recommended because it leads into a bad 2nd and scores less on average than MS2 would normally:
MS2 Bag 3 Solve
⭐ Stray Cannon Solve
PC% | Unique Solves | Minimal Solves | Recovery Minimals |
Recovery DPC |
98.57% | 23 unique ↗️ | 14 minimal ↗️ | 2 (6) |
PC% | Rec% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | Bad% |
98.57% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 71.19% | 72.30% | 0.00% | 27.70% |
O | OS | OST | T | TO | No S | |
38.02% | 92.46% | 97.30% | 20.00% | 48.37% | 53.81% | |
⭐🩹 Stray Cannon Complementary Recovery (2)
To be used in combination with Minimals. These recoveries cover all the fail queues.
First recovery minimal often involves placing OZ first, then doing 180 spin with L-piece:
Fig: Stray Cannon Recovery L-spin 180.
This placement order is somewhat counter-intuitive and important to remember.
Also comes up frequently in regular Stray Cannon solves (without the Z on top, but you probably figured that one out :)).
Stray Cannon has 1.27% forced save J/L. If you want to avoid that, you can use these two extra recovery minimals (note the shared S placement):
⭐ Stray Cannon Minimals (14)
Stray Cannon Extra (1)
Space divisions make finding solves simpler:
When T comes in the middle of the bag, it's sometimes possible to get the spin after skimming.
Skim in a way that creates a hole ready for the O piece to be placed last on top of the T slot.
Hold O until T has been placed:
When T comes too late, you'll often need to skim the top rows first.
Skim in a way that blocks off the T slot, ready for T to be placed last once the top rows have been resolved.
Here O cannot be used to resolve the space above the T slot because it would fall through.
Place O on the other side instead:
(🩹 Stray Cannon Full Recovery (6))
Rec% | Recovery Minimals |
Recovery DPC | |
100.00% | 6 |
A full recovery route with 6 minimals exists.
While you never need most of the solves, it's good to know for better saves or if you make a mistake.
Stray Cannon can sometimes be upgraded to Stray Cat potential TSS+Tet solve if you can spot a good queue:
⭐ Gamushiro Default 4-5 Solve
PC% | Unique Solves | Minimal Solves | Recovery Minimals |
Recovery DPC | |
99.29% | 73 unique ↗️ | 21 minimal ↗️ | 2 (6) |
PC% | Rec% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | Bad% |
99.29% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 35.00% | 62.62% | 0.00% | 37.38% |
O | OS | OST | T | TO | No S | |
54.92% | 95.12% | 97.42% | 55.56% | 83.73% | 96.19% | |
⭐🩹 Gamushiro Default 4-5 Complementary Recovery (2)
To be used in combination with Minimals. These recoveries cover all the fail queues.
⭐ Gamushiro Default 4-5 Minimals (21)
Gamushiro Default 4-5 Extra (4)
Gamushiro Default 4-5 Useful (3)
All spin solves + useful solves give 91.75% PC%.
Without greedy save L TSS that's 89.09% with 58.69% TSS+.
You can build recovery instead of looking for a complicated solves.
Following useful L-spin is possible without 180:
Fig: Gamushiro Default L-spin solve.
This common solve usually starts by JLO skim and T-spin, but this exotic order requiring a spin sequence also exists for the same solve. Possible without 180:
Fig: Gamushiro Default JLO skim solve weird order spin sequence.
There's this funny spin save L TSD utilising the TST kick:
Fig: Gamushiro Default funny spin TSD.
(🩹 Gamushiro Default 4-5 Full Recovery (6))
Rec% | Recovery Minimals |
Recovery DPC | ||
100.00% | 3 |
A full recovery route with 2 minimals exists.
While you never need the first one, it's good to know to avoid bad saves/difficult solves or if you make a mistake.
Gamushiro Default can sometimes be upgraded to Margarine Stacking/Riif v3 Stacking potential better solve/better save if you can spot a good queue:
⭐ Pancake Solve
PC% | Unique Solves | Minimal Solves | Recovery Minimals |
Recovery DPC | |
96.90% | 14 unique ↗️ | 8 minimal ↗️ | 3 (7) |
PC% | Rec% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | Bad% |
96.90% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 62.66% | 62.66% | 0.00% | 37.34% |
O | OS | OST | T | TO | No S | |
0.00% | 89.92% | 96.59% | 27.62% | 27.62% | 44.29% | |
⭐🩹 Pancake Complementary Recovery (3)
To be used in combination with Minimals. These recoveries cover all the fail queues.
⭐ Pancake Minimals (8)
(🩹 Pancake Full Recovery (7))
Rec% | Recovery Minimals |
Recovery DPC | |
100.00% | 7 |
A full recovery route with 7 minimals exists.
Stray Cat
PC% | Unique Solves | Minimal Solves | Recovery Minimals |
Recovery DPC | |
91.67% | 20 unique ↗️ | 12 minimal ↗️ | 3 (3) |
PC% | Rec% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | Bad% |
91.67% | 100.00% | 19.88% | 39.05% | 69.17% | 19.88% | 30.83% |
O | OS | OST | T | TO | No S | |
36.94% | 88.49% | 91.03% | 13.33% | 43.77% | 46.63% | |
🩹 Stray Cat Full Recovery (3)
Rec% | Recovery Minimals |
Recovery DPC | |
100.00% | 3 |
These recovery minimals have combined 100% build cover.
Stray Cat Minimals (12)
Stray Cat Extra (1)
Space divisions make finding solves simpler:
When T comes in the middle of the bag, it's sometimes possible to get the spin after skimming.
Skim in a way that creates a hole ready for the O piece to be placed last on top of the T slot.
Hold O until T has been placed:
When T comes too late, you'll often need to skim the top rows first.
Skim in a way that blocks off the T slot, ready for T to be placed last once the top rows have been resolved.
Here O cannot be used to resolve the space above the T slot because it would fall through.
Place O on the other side instead:
Gamushiro PC Solve
Tub + Vertical I 2nd
Better saves than Tub + Horizontal I 2nd, but harder to solve.
PC% | Unique Solves | Minimal Solves | Recovery Minimals |
Recovery DPC |
100.00% | 28 unique ↗️ | 2 minimal ↗️ | - (-) | - |
PC% | Rec% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | Bad% |
100.00% | - | - | 0.00% | 0.00% | 57.14% | 42.86% |
O | OS | OST | T | TO | No S | |
97.98% | 99.76% | 99.76% | 0.00% | 97.98% | 99.13% | |
Minimals (7)
Extra (7)
Extra Save O (7)
Rather than memorising minimals, it's easier to just solve box using a larger number of simple solves.
The last 180 minimal is the only one you need to memorise.
Tub + Vertical I has 0.24% forced save I. These queues are OSZ<I<JL<T. This solve requires 180:
Fig: Tub + Vertical I forced save I minimal 180 spin.
Forced save I can be avoided by placing O at the wall:
Sometimes it's possible to get extra Tet with 180:
Fig: Tub + Vertical I Tet 180 spin.
🩹 Tub + Vertical I on the wrong side Recovery
If you build Tub + Vertical I on the wrong side, those 0.24% forced save I queues actually become fail queues. In that case, use this recovery:
Rec% | Recovery Minimals |
Recovery DPC |
100.00% | 1 |
Tub + Horizontal I 2nd
Simpler to solve than Tub + Vertical I 2nd, but worse saves.
PC% | Unique Solves | Minimal Solves | Recovery Minimals |
Recovery DPC |
100.00% | 105 unique ↗️ | 7 minimal ↗️ | - (-) | - |
PC% | Rec% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | Bad% |
100.00% | - | - | 0.00% | 0.00% | 43.57% | 56.43% |
O | OS | OST | T | TO | No S | |
92.50% | 100.00% | - | 0.00% | 92.50% | 96.19% | |
Minimals (2)
Extra (4)
Extra Save O (2)
- 2023-04-03
- Pancake gravity wait
- 2023-03-22
- Updated Gamushiro PC Bag 2 extra solve notes
- 2023-03-21
- Added Stray Cannon avoid save J/L Recovery notes
- 2023-03-09
- Added Bag 2 setup choice safe L placement notes
- Added Stray Cannon Recovery notes
- Added Bag 2 setups (2):
- Stray Cat optional setup
- Gamushiro PC optional setup
- 2023-03-07
- Created MS2 (Mountainous Stacking 2) page
- Added Bag 2 setups (3):
- Stray Cannon minimal setup
- Gamushiro Default minimal setup
- Pancake Stacking minimal setup