Recovery DPC

Fig: Recovery DPC bag structure. Last piece of Bag 3 has already been placed before you start.
Minimal Setups
Recovery DPC | TSD% | TSS+% | bad% | Setups | |||
O Recovery DPC | 66.67% | 100.00% | 0.00% |
⭐ J<O
⭐ O<J
(+ many optional) | |
S Recovery DPC (hori wall) |
0.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% |
- Butter Skim
S Recovery DPC (mid) |
79.68% | 79.68% | 20.32% |
⭐ S<T/O
- Lime DPC
⭐ TO<S
- Fake Butter Skim
(+ optional) |
- Fake Butter)
I Recovery DPC | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% |
⭐ J<O,S<Z
⭐ J<O,Z<S
- stick DPC
⭐ O<J,I<L
⭐ O<J,L<I
J Recovery DPC | 0.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% |
- OSZ Ball Skim
T Recovery DPC (hori wall) |
0.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% |
- OSZ Ball SPC
T Recovery DPC (1 from wall) |
50.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% |
⭐ L<S
- MKO DPC/Skim
⭐ S<L,J<O
- MKO Skim
⭐ S<L,O<J
- MKO Skim
Recovery DPC setups marked with ⭐ have 100% combined build cover and 100% solve rate.
You must learn these setups in order to always be able to loop using Recovery DPC.
Optional Setups
Recovery DPC | TSD% | TSS+% | bad% | Setups | ||||||
(optional) O Recovery DPC (1 from wall) |
93.33% | 100.00% | 0.00% |
⭐ O<J
- Kuruma DPC
⭐ O<S
- Kuruma DPC
⭐ J<O,S<L
- Double ♥ DPC
⭐ JL<O
- Kuruma SPC
(optional) S Recovery DPC (vert wall) |
91.55% | 92.66% | 7.34% |
⭐ O<S
- Kuruma DPC
⭐ L<S<J
- Kuruma DPC/SPC
⭐ Z<S<O
⭐ S<OZ
- Fake Butter Skim
(+ optional) |
- Fake Butter)
(optional) S Recovery DPC (hori col 3) |
85.56% | 85.56% | 14.44% |
⭐ O<S
⭐ I<S,T<O
- Hold O S DPC/Skim
⭐ ???
- TIS 7th Skim
(+ optional) |
- S-spin DPC)
(optional) S Recovery DPC (hori wall) |
83.89% | 83.89% | 16.11% |
⭐ J<O,S<L
- S-spin DPC/Skim
⭐ O<J,L<S
- S-spin DPC/Skim
(+ optional) |
- Fake Butter)
- Bad TKI DPC)
(optional) S Recovery DPC (hori col 7) |
75.00% | 89.29% | 10.71% |
⭐ Elephant DPC/Skim
(optional) S Recovery DPC (1 from wall) |
0.00% | 40.32% | 59.68% |
⭐ stick Compromise (Hold Z)
(+ optional) |
(optional) S Recovery DPC (hori col 4) |
0.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% |
⭐ ???
- TIS 7th Skim
⭐ ???
- TIS 7th Skim
⭐ ???
- TIS 7th Skim
⭐ ???
- TIS 7th Skim
(optional) J Recovery DPC (alternative) |
71.83% | 76.98% | 23.02% |
⭐ L<I/S
- MKO Skim
⭐ O<J
- MKO Skim
⭐ I<LO
- MKO Skim*
⭐ otherwise
- Kuruma Skim
(+ optional) |
- Drawbridge DPC)
- Castle Tower DPC)
- Stooge DPC)
- Blue Butter DPC)
* Technically third Kuruma Skim isn't necessary for J Recovery DPC - alternative.
Included because it makes queue reading easier.
Alternative placements.
Optional setups marked with ⭐ have 100% combined build cover and 100% solve rate.
You must learn these setups in order to always be able to loop using Recovery DPC.
Other setups listed for increased TSD rate.
Bad setups
Recovery DPC | TSD% | TSS+% | bad% | Setups | |||||
(optional) O Recovery DPC (2 from wall) |
70.87% | 79.96% | 20.04% |
⭐ ??? - Kuruma DPC
⭐ ??? - Butter
⭐ ??? - Fake Butter
⭐ ??? - TSXZ 7th
⭐ ??? - Kuruma Skim
(+ optional) |
??? - Long S DPC
??? - Fake Butter
(optional) I Recovery DPC (vert wall) |
66.67% | 69.64% | 30.36% |
⭐ ??? - Kuruma DPC
⭐ ??? - TSD DPC
⭐ ??? - TKI DPC
⭐ ???
⭐ ???
⭐ ???
⭐ ???
Bad placements. Do not use.
O Recovery DPC
⭐ J<O - TSD DPC - Recovery DPC
⭐ O<J - TSD SPC - Recovery DPC
Congruents. TSD SPC creates identical residue as TSD DPC.
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 37.62% | 63.85% | 0.00% | 36.15% |
Minimals (3)
Extra (2)
For TSD SPC, J can be spun in after O and S have been placed:

Fig: TSD SPC 180 spin.
S Recovery DPC
S Recovery DPC - horizontal at the wall
⭐ Butter Skim - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 29.84% | 52.78% | 66.67% | 22.06% |
Minimals (2)
Extra (2)
S Recovery DPC - horizontal in the middle
Sometimes allows for 6-3 TSD recovery on previous bag.
⭐ S<T/O - Lime DPC - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 21.43% | 33.33% | 0.00% | 66.67% |
Minimals (6)
Extra (1)
Knowing only minimals might get you in a tight spot sometimes with Lime DPC. It's not a bad idea to know more solves. Here are all the unique solves: unique ↗️
I<O,J/Z<L - Fake Butter - Recovery DPC
⭐ TO<S - Fake Butter Skim - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 66.67% | 33.33% |
Minimals (2)
Fake Butter DPC: J can be spun in after LO has been placed. Z can be spun in after LS has been placed.
S Recovery DPC - horizontal column 3
⭐ O<S - TSD DPC - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 37.62% | 63.85% | 0.00% | 36.15% |
Minimals (3)
Extra (2)
⭐ I<S,T<O - Hold O S DPC/Skim - Recovery DPC
Sometimes you'll have to forgo the TSD in order to be able to build anything.
PC% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | - | 41.59% | 57.78% | 68.33% | 21.67% |
Minimals (1)
Extra (2)
⭐ ??? - TIS 7th Skim - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 20.63% | 46.67% | 42.50% |
Minimals (1)
Extra (1)
Z<IS - S-spin DPC/Skim - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 41.67% | 58.33% |
Minimals (2)
Extra (2)
S can be spun in once J or L has been placed for potential Tet solve.
I Recovery DPC
⭐ J<O,S<Z - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 18.57% | 56.67% | 29.68% |
Minimals (1)
Extra (3)
Funny setup. Build and solve order as sometimes wacky. L can be kicked in after J and Z have been placed:

Fig: Funny setup spin.
TSS Mushroom solves: J can be kicked in after L has been placed:

Fig: Funny solve spin.
⭐ J<O,Z<S - Stick DPC - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 65.56% | 34.44% |
Minimals (2)
Extra (3)
Solves will sometimes clear top lines first.
Extra solves: S piece can be kicked in after box has been placed:

Fig: Less known SRS kick.
⭐ O<J,I<L - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 6.35% | 20.00% | 40.00% | 47.50% |
Minimals (1)
Extra (1)
Solves will sometimes clear top lines first.
⭐ O<J,L<I - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 20.48% | 26.11% | 0.00% | 73.89% |
Minimals (3)
Extra (2)
J Recovery DPC
⭐ OSZ Ball Skim - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 71.67% | 28.33% |
Minimals (1)
Extra (3)
Residue congruent with T OSZ Ball SPC - Recovery DPC.
T can always be held when building this setup. You can sometimes get an extra TSS/TS0 if you place it as overhang.
Tet solve chance can be improved by this sequence of S spins involving 180 once JLZ have been placed (partial mirror works for Z with JLS:

Fig: OSZ Ball SPC spin sequence. Grey ▄█▄ shows piece orientation for clarity.
T Recovery DPC
⭐ OSZ Ball SPC - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 71.67% | 28.33% |
Minimals (1)
Extra (3)
Residue congruent with J OSZ Ball Skim Recovery.
Tet solve chance can be improved by this sequence of S spins involving 180 once JLZ have been placed (partial mirror works for Z with JLS:

Fig: OSZ Ball SPC spin sequence. Grey ▄█▄ shows piece orientation for clarity.
O Recovery DPC - 1 from wall
Alternative placement. Sometimes allows for 6-3 TSD recovery on previous bag. Usually faster to solve than O in wall.
⭐ O<J - Kuruma DPC - Recovery DPC
⭐ O<S - Kuruma DPC - Recovery DPC
⭐ JL<O - Kuruma SPC - Recovery DPC
Congruents. Kuruma SPC creates identical residue as Kuruma DPC.
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 82.78% | 17.22% |
Minimals (2)
Extras (1)
Sometimes you can get an extra Tetris solve using this funny spin sequence involving 180 (doesn't work on high gravity unless you bind two rotations to one key):

Fig: Kuruma DPC funny spin.
⭐ J<O,S<L - Double ♥ DPC - Recovery DPC
Other builds exist but their build queues are already covered by better setups.
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 73.89% | 26.11% |
Minimals (3)
Extra (1)
Sometimes you can get an extra Tetris solve using this funny spin sequence involving 180. Works on high gravity too:

Fig: Double ♥ DPC funny spin.

Fig: Double ♥ DPC 180 spin.
S Recovery DPC - vertical at the wall
Alternative placement.
Technically just 3 minimals. However, some queues might force building one of the TSD builds without a spin if you only use build minimals.
The L<S<J Kuruma DPC congruent guarantees at least TSS with all the TSD builds. If you use both Kuruma DPC congruents, you will only need the skim minimal for queues that cannot TSD/TSS with any of the TSD builds.
⭐ O<S - Kuruma DPC - Recovery DPC
⭐ L<S<J - Kuruma DPC/SPC - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 82.78% | 17.22% |
Minimals (2)
Extras (1)
Sometimes you can get an extra Tetris solve using this funny spin sequence involving 180 (doesn't work on high gravity unless you bind two rotations to one key):

Fig: Kuruma DPC funny spin.
⭐ Z<S<O - JB DPC - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 66.67% | 33.33% |
Minimals (2)
Extra (1)
S can be spun in after O has been placed using the following spin sequence:

Fig: JB DPC spin sequence. Grey ▄█▄ shows piece orientation for clarity.
L/Z<J,I<O - Fake Butter - Recovery DPC
⭐ S<OZ - Fake Butter Skim - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 66.67% | 33.33% |
Minimals (2)
J can be spun in after LO has been placed. Z can be spun in after LS has been placed.
S Recovery DPC - horizontal at the wall (alternative)
Alternative set for the default placement. S-spin DPC alone is 100% build cover if you forgo TSD.
⭐ J<O,S<L - S-spin DPC/Skim - Recovery DPC
Sometimes you'll have to forgo the TSD in order to be able to build anything.
⭐ O<J,L<S - S-spin DPC/Skim - Recovery DPC
Sometimes you'll have to forgo the TSD in order to be able to build anything.
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 41.67% | 58.33% |
Minimals (2)
Extra (2)
S can be spun in once J or L has been placed for potential Tet solve.
Fake Butter DPC - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 66.67% | 33.33% |
Minimals (2)
Fake Butter DPC: Second S can be spun in after JZ has been placed.
Bad TKI DPC - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 36.67% | 63.33% |
Minimals (1)
S Recovery DPC - horizontal column 7
Alternative placement. Sometimes allows for 5-4 TSD recovery on previous bag. Not recommended because Elephant DPC is very difficult to solve.
⭐ Elephant DPC/Skim - Recovery DPC
Sometimes you'll have to forgo the TSD.
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 29.37% | 57.78% | 0.00% | 42.22% |
Minimals (5)
Extra (3)
T Recovery DPC - 1 from wall
⭐ L<S MKO DPC/MKO Skim - Recovery DPC
Sometimes you'll have to forgo the TSD.
⭐ S<L,J<O MKO Skim - Recovery DPC
⭐ S<L,O<J MKO Skim - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | - | 0.00% | 55.24% | 0.00% | 44.76% |
Minimals (3)
The only good T DPC.
S Recovery DPC - vertical 1 from wall
⭐ - stick Compromise (Hold Z) - Recovery DPC
+ Z
PC% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 26.67% | 70.00% | 33.33% | 10.83% |
Minimals (2)
Extra (3)
Z can always be held. Let's use that to our advantage.
⭐ Z<S,O<L - JB SPC - Recovery DPC
⭐ Z<S,??? - JB SPC - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 66.67% | 33.33% |
Minimals (2)
Extra (1)
S can be spun in after O has been placed using the following spin sequence:

Fig: JB DPC spin sequence. Grey ▄█▄ shows piece orientation for clarity.
S Recovery DPC - horizontal column 4
Not recommended due to low scoring and complicated build cover.
⭐ ??? - TIS 7th Skim - Recovery DPC
⭐ ??? - TIS 7th Skim - Recovery DPC
⭐ ??? - TIS 7th Skim - Recovery DPC
⭐ ??? - TIS 7th Skim - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 46.67% | 53.33% |
Minimals (1)
Shifted version of TIS 7th doesn't have the extra TSS solve.
J Recovery DPC - alternative
⭐ L<I/S MKO Skim - Recovery DPC
⭐ O<J MKO Skim - Recovery DPC
⭐ I<LO MKO Skim - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | - | 0.00% | 55.24% | 0.00% | 44.76% |
Minimals (3)
The only good T DPC.
⭐ otherwise - Kuruma Skim - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 82.78% | 17.22% |
Minimals (2)
Extras (1)
Sometimes you can get an extra Tetris solve using this funny spin sequence involving 180 (doesn't work on high gravity unless you bind two rotations to one key):

Fig: Kuruma DPC funny spin.
I<Z,T<O - Drawbridge DPC - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | - | 0.00% | 50.00% | 50.00% | 20.00% |
Minimals (1)
I<Z,J<O - Castle Tower DPC - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | - | 0.00% | 33.97% | 50.60% | 30.08% |
Minimals (3)
Extra (3)
Most of the time there is an easy solve (first minimal alone has 90.0% build cover).
However, when that's not the case, it can be tricky to spot a solve.
I recommend this qb-like method using Curated "minimals" to spot when it's safe to complete respective solves
Curated "Minimals" (5)
This method combines spin solves and minimals together with an additional solve (the last one for early J).
If used like this, the additional solve replaces the last minimal, creating a 5-solve set of curated "minimals".
Second curated "minimal" can sometimes be upgraded to the remaining extra skim TSS.
🩹 ??? - Stooge DPC - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | - | 0.00% | 36.51% | 70.00% | 13.33% |
Minimals (1)
Extra (2)
🩹 O<S,L<I - Blue Butter DPC - Recovery DPC
PC% | TSS+ Tet% | TSD% | TSS+% | Tet% | bad% |
100.00% | - | 0.00% | 36.67% | 0.00% | 63.33% |
Minimals (4)
- 2023-03-23
- Added optional S Recovery DPC - vertical 1 from wall (thanks stickmancomic and mLurker)
- Added optional S Recovery DPC - horizontal column 4
- Added extra setups for optional J Recovery DPC - alternative
- 2023-03-14
- Added optional J Recovery DPC - alternative
- 2023-03-05
- Added minimal T Recovery DPC - 1 from wall setups
- 2023-03-03
- Added details for S Recovery DPC - horizontal column 3
- Moved S Recovery DPC - horizontal column 3 from Bad Setups to Optional Setups.
- 2022-12-15
- Moved S Recovery DPC - horizontal in the middle from Optional Setups to Minimal Setups. It is necessary for some recoveries.
- Fixed naming on page and in anchors.
- Reordered setups on page.
- Updated S Recovery DPC - vertical at the wall. It is better to use a 4-minimal set for simple build cover.
- 2022-12-07
- Fixed details for S Recovery DPC - horizontal in the middle
- Put bad setups in a separate overview table
- 2022-12-06
- Visually separated Minimal Setups and Optional Setups in overview
- Added details for S Recovery DPC - vertical at the wall
- 2022-12-03
- Added Bag 4 stats
- Added optional S Recovery DPC - horizontal at the wall (alternative)
- Added overview for S Recovery DPC - horizontal column 3
- Added overview for O Recovery DPC - 2 from wall
- Added overview for I Recovery DPC - vertical at the wall
- 2022-12-02
- I Recovery DPC replaced with metallicLurker's 100% TSD set. Removed Bad TKI DPC, added O<J,I<L and O<J,L<I setups.
- Added optional S Recovery DPC - horizontal column 7
- Added optional S Recovery DPC - horizontal in the middle
- Added optional S Recovery DPC - vertical at the wall
- 2022-12-01
- Created Recovery DPC page
- Added minimal O Recovery DPC
- Added minimal S Recovery DPC - horizontal at the wall
- Added minimal I Recovery DPC
- Added minimal J Recovery DPC
- Added minimal T Recovery DPC - horizontal at the wall
- Added optional O Recovery DPC - 1 from wall